Declaration of Independence - Download a FREE copy of the Declaration of Independence. Read it with your family as part of your Independence Day celebration. "Give Me Liberty or Death" Speech - Print this out and practice your oratory skills by reciting it on March 23, the anniversary of Patrick Henry's famous speech. American History Quiz - Test the kids (and yourself!) George Washington's 110 Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior - Download this 17-page e-book for FREE! Includes Washington's original rules as well as selected examples for copywork and memorization, plus a writing activity. Washington Word Find - My favorite kind of word game! (I found 60; can you beat me?) Presidents Day Quiz - Lincoln and Washington Trivia. Ben Franklin’s Virtue Chart - Work on one virtue each week. Every evening, review your day and give yourself a mark if you transgressed the week's virtue. The goal is to live your days without having to place any marks on your chart. See Also: a completely blank template, with only days of the week. You can print this out and write in your own virtues and descriptions or use it for tracking daily exercises, etc. Franklin also created what may have been the original Day-Timer. Download a replica of Ben Franklin's Order of the Day chart based on his scheme of employment for the twenty-four hours of a natural day. Print this out and use it to organize your own day. Governor Bradford's Alleged First Thanksgiving Proclamation - Actual origin unknown; its accuracy has not been verified by Plimoth Plantation. The Life of Kit Carson - Download this 132-page reprint of an 1899 book, with added illustrations. Use caution if reading aloud to younger children; I would rate this story PG for scenes of drinking, and Indian violence such as scalping. P.S. It is definitely NOT politically correct! John Philip Sousa: Experiences of a Bandmaster - In The Experiences of a Bandmaster, Sousa recalls what it was like to play for presidents. As official bandmaster to the President of the United States, Sousa describes his nightmares on the bandstand. There's the visiting diplomat whose anthem is suddenly vanished from the bandbook, the night only he and the bass drummer turned out for the gig, the night the lights went out, the night the fireworks caught fire, and the first night they, the Union's Marine Band, were to play for the Confederate South. These entertaining anecdotes will be enjoyed by all ages.
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