Your vote?

Alliance for the Separation of School & State
Traditional educators held "wisdom" - not just career skills - as the goal of an educated person. We in the Alliance for Separation of School & State believe that the restoration of "Honest Education" can help every student on their path to wisdom....Honest Education promotes discussion among teachers and students of "The Big Questions of Life." It can also be called real, authentic, or genuine education. When one grasps the underlying structure of school-by-government (called "public schools" in U.S.), it becomes easier to solve the riddle of why all school reforms have failed for the entire 160-year existence of state schooling in America. Separation of school and state applies to schooling the approach Americans have used for churching: Government doesn't run, compel, or finance Sunday School. We believe the same approach should be applied to Monday school, Tuesday school, Wednesday school, etc., etc. Subscribe to the School Liberator e-mail newsletter. Sign the proclamation that declares, "I favor ending government involvement in education."

America's Christian History
Discover the Christian History of America - how men of faith framed the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and formed our great nation.

American Adventure Series
An exciting historical fiction series the whole family will love.

The American Center for Law and Justice
Jay Sekulow's not-for-profit public interest law firm and educational organization is dedicated to the promotion of pro-liberty, pro-life, and pro-family causes.

American Christian History Institute
The American Christian History Institute was established to re-educate the American Christian in his responsibility to be governed by principles of the Scriptures in all areas of life, including the civil sphere, and to restore the understanding and practice of local self-government.

The American Colonist's Library
A Treasury of Primary Source Documents Pertaining to Early American History; an invaluable collection of historical works which contributed to the formation of American politics, culture, and ideals.

American Heritage Education Foundation
America’s Heritage: An Adventure in Liberty. K-12 Social Studies/History Lesson Plans to help teach America’s factual, philosophical heritage, history, and founding principles. Social studies, U.S. history, U.S. government, civics, economics, geography, reading, music, and related subjects. Written by a team of professional educators. Meets all major national standards and guidelines. Tested and proven to raise social studies scores. Utilized by homeschoolers, teachers, and schools in all 50 states. Easy to use; no teacher training required. Award-winning design and presentation. Available at no cost to users for educational purposes. $150 value - FREE!

American History for Homeschoolers
Patriotic Homeschool Curriculum Ideas

American History Links

American Legion
For God and Country, the largest veterans organization in the world.

American Vision
American Vision's mission statement reads, “Restoring America's Biblical Foundation—From Genesis to Revelation.” Gary DeMar, the president of American Vision, has written several best selling books on the Christian history of our nation. From America's Christian Heritage to America's Christian History, Gary produces pages of evidence showing that our founding fathers believed that our rights and laws came from the God of the Bible. American Vision's mandate is to produce and distribute training resources which will give a truly Biblical worldview to the people of our nation. Together, let’s restore America’s Christian heritage and ensure a bright future for our children’s children.

American Voice Institute of Public Policy
"Preserving America's Past to Protect her Future." The American Voice Institute of Public Policy provides resources about the principles of limited government, free market economics, liberty, enduring morals and private property. As citizens across the nation are educated and trained, the American Voice Institute of Public Policy will play an active role in preserving the heritage of liberty upon which this nation was founded.

Sign up for a free e-mail subscription to "The American Minute" by Bill Federer, author of America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations

Amy Puetz - Explore History
Amy's site focuses on Heroines of the Past with articles, e-books, and an e-zine about historical women and girls. There are some books for the entire family too, and an historical costume page.

Ann Coulter
“Liberals have a preternatural gift for always striking a position on the side of treason,” says Coulter. “Everyone says liberals love America, too. No, they don’t.”

Arizona Patriot Links

Bluestocking Press
Publishers of the "Uncle Eric" series of books by Richard Maybury. These books are very informative, yet easy to read, and they offer an enjoyable way of learning about economics, law, history and government for ages 14 and up. Book titles include: "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy," "Are You Liberal? Conservative? Or Confused?," "Uncle Eric Talks About Personal, Career, and Financial Security," "Whatever Happened to Justice?," "Ancient Rome: How it Affects You Today," "Evaluating Books: What Would Thomas Jefferson Think About This?," "The Money Mystery," "The Clipper Ship Strategy," and "The Thousand Year War in the Mideast: How it Affects You Today."

Camp American
An American Adventure camp where God's Truth and Patriotism go hand in hand. Reclaiming Individual Liberty Through Prayer, Education in the Truth of Our Christian Heritage and Activism.

Campus Reform
Connecting up-to-date communications technologies to a principled stand for limited government, the free market, national defense, and traditional values, makes possible a new generation of student activism to identify, expose, and combat the radical left.

The Cato Institute
Individual Liberty, Limited Government, Free Markets and Peace

Celebrating Americas Freedoms
From the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, a collection of articles about many of America's customs and national symbols, the history of Taps, the Pledge of Allegiance, The Star Spangled Banner, American flag etiquette, and more.

Center for Reclaiming America
The Center for Reclaiming America for Christ, established by Dr. D. James Kennedy, is an outreach of Coral Ridge Ministries to inform the American public and motivate Christians to defend and implement the biblical principles on which our country was founded. The Center, led by Executive Director Dr. Gary Cass, provides non-partisan, non-denominational information, training, and support to all those interested in impacting the culture and renewing the vision set forth by our Founding Fathers.

The Children's Story: A Chilling Tale for Parents
A must-read for parents of school-age children.

Citizens Rule Book
This booklet was written in 1976 by my father-in-law Charles Olsen, a WWII Marine veteran and printer from Boston. Family-owned and operated Whitten Printers of Phoenix continues to print and distribute the Citizens Rule Book.

Civics & Government Links

Coalition of Principle Centered Conservatives
In an age when the principles on which our constitution was derived are no longer the guiding premise of decisions that should shape policy, it is imperative of the utmost urgency for We the People to arise and make known those principles again and again no matter what the price.

Colonial Hall
Biographies of America's Founding Fathers.

Concerned Women for America

Conservative Book Club
Offering books that have a conservative viewpoint and commentary on subjects such as politics, history, political figures, religion, homeschooling and more, by popular authors.

Constitutional Law Online
This 18-week Internet-based course follows Mike Farris' textbook, Constitutional Law for Christian Students. Students learn about the history and background of our legal system from a biblical perspective.

Copycat Books
This copybook site offers free printable copywork of the Pledge of Allegiance available in traditional cursive, italic, and modern handwriting styles. A great way for children to practice their penmanship while learning the Pledge of Allegiance at the same time!

Coral Ridge Ministries
Dr. D. James Kennedy: Glorifying God, Proclaiming Truth, Reclaiming America - also has a comprehensive legislative action center with news about current issues, the spiritual state of the nation, and much more.

The Crumbling Wall Against Tyranny
A Must-Read for Homeschool Parents: "The Crumbling Wall Against Tyranny" presents the U.S. Constitution as the framers intended.

Daughters of the American Revolution

Dave Black Online
Restoring our Biblical and Constitutional Foundations: "The Right to Homeschool Comes from God, Not Government," an article by David Alan Black.

Defend America
U.S. Department of Defense News About the War on Terrorism; includes a "Support Our Troops" page.

Eagle Forum
Phyllis Schlafly site; find out how you can join or start a Teen Eagles group, to make a positive difference in your community and country.

Economic Thinking
Economic education workshops, study guides, books, and videos which demonstrate the central role of economic freedom, property rights, and the rule of law in enabling progress and prosperity in America and around the world. They also offer homeschool economic education programs for speech and debate students.

Educational Freedom
The number one source on the web for education, homeschooling, and parental rights news and commentary.

Federalist Patriot
The Federalist Patriot is a highly acclaimed e-journal of anecdotal rebuttal to contemporary political, social and media Leftists. Compiled each week by a national editorial panel, its concise, highly condensed format summarizes a wide spectrum of reliable information from reputable research, advocacy and media organizations. Content is carefully selected to provide Constitutional Conservatives with brief, informative and entertaining analysis of the week's most significant news, policy and opinion. Sign up for this free e-journal to be delivered directly to your inbox. They also have an extensive list of historical documents and a Patriot's Library book list on their website.

Foundation for American Christian Education
Transforming the Mind and Heart of a Nation: Christian Educational and Homeschool Resources.

Foundation for Economic Education
America's oldest free-market organization; publishers of ideas on liberty, freedom, and free market economics.

Foundation for Moral Law
The organization supporting former Alabama Chief Justice Roy S. Moore and the right to publicly acknowledge God.

Founding Fathers
Founding Fathers
Founding Fathers history, image gallery, clip art, quotes, articles, essays, books, links, and other resources.

Freedom Library
Leonard Read always emphasized that no movement ever made headway without the spoken and written word. We are proud to offer online many indispensable books, audios and videos to all students of liberty as part of our effort on behalf of freedom.

Led by former U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey, FreedomWorks fights for lower taxes, less government, and more economic freedom for all Americans.

Generation Joshua
By emphasizing patriotism, excellence, and civic involvement, Generation Joshua is equipping a new generation of young people to impact American culture.

Conservative grassroots organization that rallies hundreds of thousands of citizens to take part in key issues through online petitions and media efforts.

The Heritage Foundation
Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institute whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

Home School Legal Defense Association
Advocates for Family and Freedom: Since their founding in 1983, HSLDA's mission has been to defend and advance the constitutional rights of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. HSLDA lawyers are all home schooling fathers, and home school graduates work in various staff positions. They are committed to home education, not only as a legal right, but also as an educational opportunity and spiritual blessing.

Homeschool Connexion
"Separation of Church and State?" an article by a homeschool student.

The Homeschool Freedom Movement
"The Freedom Movement," an article by Samuel L. Blumenfeld. The home school movement is in reality a freedom movement.

Homeschool Huskies and Ponies Patriotic Patches
Students can study history (also science and geography) in a club-like atmosphere, complete with iron-on merit patches, crafts and learning activities.

Homeschoolers for Bush

The Homeschool Times
"Homeschooling: The Real Revolution," an article by Samuel L. Blumenfeld

IMPRIMIS, the monthly journal of Hillsdale College "Educating for Liberty since 1844." Sign up for a complimentary subscription or read it online.

Just a Touch
Patriotic art, music, gifts, free clip art, screen savers, political cartoons.

League of American Voters
The League of American voters seeks to make the nation's democratic system stronger and more vibrant by demanding greater accountability from our elected officials. Among the core issues are defending America’s free enterprise system, supporting a strong national defense and security infrastructure, promoting common sense family values and championing the idea that good government is one that is both limited and honest.

Learn in Freedom
Karl Bunday's "School Is Dead: A to Z Index" page contains tons of links!

Learning for Life: Educational Words of Wisdom
Quotes from our Founding Fathers as well as rare and classic sayings by philosophers, scientists, writers, religious leaders, statesmen, and educators from throughout history. It's a must-have book for concerned parents, teachers, homeschoolers, school reformers, alternative education advocates, unschoolers, speakers, writers, history buffs, lifelong learners, and anyone who believes in educational freedom.

Rescuing the Republic: One Heart, and One Mind at a Time. "It's not Your Constitution if you don't know how to use it." This site has lots of information, commentary, articles, resources, and links. Did you know...many homeschoolers are learning all TEN of the commandments - and then some! Click here for Traditional American Education.

Liberty Book Shop
Restoring freedom in our time.

Liberty's Elm
Where the Sons and Daughters of Liberty Gather.

Liberty's Kids
"Revolutionary" children's history animated series.

Mantle Ministries
Richard "Little Bear" Wheeler's site for passing on the mantle of Christian heritage.

Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog - "Don’t Believe the Liberal Media."

The Minuteman Project
Patriots protecting America.

Move America Forward
Supporting our Troops and their Missions in the War on Terror. Move America Forward makes it easy to ship care packages to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. See also: MAF Freedom PAC - Supporting Candidates That Support Our Troops!

National Center for Constitutional Studies
American government and Constitution curriculum and resources. Sign up to receive a monthly educational newsletter.

Noah Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language

Our Country Deserves Better
Leading the fight to champion the Reaganesque conservatism of lower taxes, smaller government, strong national defense, and respect for the strength of the family as the core of a strong America. See also: Tea Party Express PAC

Our Documents
100 milestone documents from United States history, compiled by the National Archives and Records Administration.

Patrick Henry College: For Christ and Liberty
The Mission of Patrick Henry College is to train Christian men and women who will lead our nation and shape our culture with timeless biblical values and fidelity to the spirit of the American founding. In order to accomplish this mission, the College provides academically excellent higher education with a biblical worldview using classical liberal arts core curriculum and apprenticeship methodology. Sign up for a free subscription to the "Trumpet of Liberty" monthly e-mail newsletter.

Patriot Books
Patriot Books and Homeschool Supplies

Patriot Defenders Network

The Patriot Pastor
This site is home to a growing library of videos, presentations and speeches given by the Patriot Pastor, Garrett Lear. "Every single right set forth in The Declaration of Independence was first preached from the American pulpit."

Patriot Policy
Dedicated to Advancement of Patriotism and Participation in Public Policy.

Patriotic Holidays
Amanda Bennett's Patriotic Holidays Unit Studies

Pocket Declaration
Students can receive a certificate for reading the Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, and Bill of Rights. You can also get free reminders about when to fly the flag and other interesting patriotic info by e-mail.

Point of View Radio Talk Show
Point of View is a two-hour, issues-oriented live talk radio program heard daily nationwide. Kerby Anderson and his team cover the full spectrum of issues and current events that affect our faith, family, government, education, and basic freedoms from a Christian perspective. Point of View’s loyal listening audience thrives on daily interviews and interaction with informative guests including authors, politicians, opinion leaders, conservative activists, and subject matter experts.

Presidential Prayer Team
This national non-profit organization was established in 2001 to encourage millions of Americans to pray for the President, our nation's leaders, and our nation. Join The Presidential Prayer Team ( and show your commitment to pray for the President and America's leaders. Members receive regular email updates listing the President's prayer needs. Members can also learn about our nation's Godly heritage, see stories of prayer and faith in the news, read inspiring quotes for the week, and more. Kids can sign up for the Presidential Prayer Team for Kids ( Kids will receive an exclusive kids-only presidential prayer update weekly by e-mail, cool stories of Christians in American history, ways that kids can help America and our President, trivia contests and games with awesome prizes, special places and dates in America, downloadable stickers, posters, and more. It's free!

Project Patriot
An official Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) project in support of America's worldwide war against terrorism.

Providence Foundation
A Christian educational organization whose mission is to spread liberty, justice, and prosperity among the nations.

Renew America
Alan Keyes site for the renewal of American liberty, with a determination to make our nation worthy again of the gifts we have received from Providence, and from our Founders.

Restoring America Project
Want to learn more about the people and events that have shaped American History? This FREE online American History resource center encourages critical thinking skills and is an excellent source for short essay writing—offering more than 500 American History entries and quotes! Discover the individuals, events, and Christian values that have played a crucial role in the formation of our great country.

The Rush Limbaugh Show

Rutherford Institute
Dedicated to the defense of civil liberties and human rights. Keeps Christians abreast of constitutional issues impacting them in the USA as well as areas of concern worldwide.

Support Your Troops

Tea Party Patriots
The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Tea Party Patriots, Inc. as an organization believes in the Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and Free Markets. Tea Party Patriots, Inc. is a non-partisan grassroots organization of individuals united by our core values derived from the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill Of Rights as explained in the Federalist Papers. We recognize and support the strength of grassroots organization powered by activism and civic responsibility at a local level. We hold that the United States is a republic conceived by its architects as a nation whose people were granted "unalienable rights" by our Creator. Chiefly among these are the rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The Tea Party Patriots stand with our founders, as heirs to the republic, to claim our rights and duties which preserve their legacy and our own. We hold, as did the founders, that there exists an inherent benefit to our country when private property and prosperity are secured by natural law and the rights of the individual.

Teen Pact
TeenPact's mission is to train young people to be leaders who will impact the nation and the world. Students participating in the TeenPact Leadership School will enjoy meeting and interacting with other Christian young people and leaders from across their state. These students will come away from TeenPact with a realization of their spiritual capacity as young people and a desire to change America for Christ.

Teens for Liberty
A political site for American teens and young adults interested in politics, promoting the belief that our nation was founded on Christian principles and that we are still a Christian nation today.

The Times and the Scriptures
A Christian citizenship curriculum for developing people with an understanding of the times, to know what America should do (First Chronicles 12:32)

Total Power of One
The Complete Resource for Building Citizen Involvement in American Politics and Government: Teach Your Children How to Be an American Citizen and What it Means to Be One.
Conservative News and Information

Underground History of American Education
A schoolteacher's intimate investigation into the problem of modern schooling.

United States Heritage Award Program
Study the heritage of the United States of America, learn the facts about our flag and country, and show what you know about patriotism. If students complete the requirements they can earn a medal, patch, or pin. There are two different sets of questions, for kids ages 6-10 and youth ages 11-18. Download study guides, worksheets, answer keys, and other materials at the Nations Trails website.

Unsolved Mysteries
Like most people that educate their own children, I have been asked if Home Schooling is actually legal. I think that a more pertinent question would be Are Public Schools Legal? I have come to the conclusion that public schools are not legal as now constituted, in fact Federal involvement in the public schools is expressly prohibited by the United States Constitution.

U.S. Constitution
Teach-at-Home Study Guide.

USA Freedom Corps
"The great hope of the country lies in the hearts and souls of our people." ~George W. Bush

Vision America
To inform, encourage and mobilize pastors and their congregations to be proactive in restoring Judeo-Christian values to the moral and civic framework in their communities, states, and our nation... through the implementation of the "A M E R I C A" Plan ... a seven step program to effective Christian citizenship.

Vision Forum
Home to the all-American boy's Adventure Catalog, Landmarks and Liberty, Heroes and Histories, the Beautiful Girlhood Collection, and more. Vision Forum also sponsors Faith and Freedom Tours in which an ensemble of Christian historians take participants on one-of-a-kind home school history tours of America's godly and heroic locations.

WallBuilders is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the restoration of the moral and religious foundation on which America was built. WallBuilders' goal is to exert a direct and positive influence in government, education, and the family by (1) educating the nation concerning the Godly foundation of our country; (2) providing information to federal, state, and local officials as they develop public policies which reflect Biblical values; and (3) encouraging Christians to be involved in the civic arena. The heart of their educational work, and that which makes WallBuilders so unique, is their library of rare historical documents. From these priceless resources, they are able to document the rich religious and moral history of America as well as to establish the original intent undergirding the various clauses of our Constitution. Based on extensive research, they have produced nearly two dozen books and videos applying the lessons of history to contemporary issues. These books and videos not only present our nation's rich heritage but they also introduce the current generation of Americans to an uncensored view of America's religious and political history.

We The People Foundation
On November 12, 2001, We the People Foundation launched "Operation Enduring Patriotism," a citizens' initiative to require teaching in the nation's schools the history, meaning, effect and significance of every provision of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the state constitutions. At the heart of this initiative is a proposed model statute, "An Act for Enduring Patriotism." An impressive array of speakers were on hand to support the launch of Operation Enduring Patriotism, including Dr. Alan Keyes, the conservative political activist; a 12-year old columnist from Oklahoma; a 14-year old eighth grade social studies student and her teacher from North Carolina; a home schooling mother of twelve from Utah; and General Raymond Davis (USMC, Retired), America's most decorated living veteran. The purpose of Operation Enduring Patriotism is to have the statute passed into law in each of the fifty states. Patriotism needs to be more than "flag deep" if the great American experiment in self-government is to endure.

Well of Living Water Ministries
Home of The Patriot Pastor and The Heroes of American Liberty. Challenging America to be restored to the vision of The Founders as a Constitutional Republic based on CHRIST and The Bible. Check out their free online literature: The Christian's Bill of Rights and Declaration of Dependence on God.

Young America's Foundation: The Voice of Freedom on Campus
"The plan of Young America's Foundation to use the Reagan Ranch as a focal point to teach young people about the principles that Ronald Reagan holds dear is an important educational mission. That educational mission will further the cause of free enterprise, lower taxes, limited government, traditional values, and a strong national defense. Young America's Foundation is truly a leader in teaching the importance of faith and freedom." ~Dick Cheney

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Start your own online newspaper! It's easy, affordable, and secure with this web-based service. It's not just limited to student newspapers, either. You can create an online newspaper for your business, church, or other special interest!

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